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Mining Companies
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IMPACT Silver has grown from a grassroots exploration company into a significant silver producer with control of nearly two contiguous mineral districts in south-central Mexico - the 423-square-kilometer Royal Mines of Zacualpan Silver District ("Zacualpan") and the 200-square-kilometer Capire-Mamatla Silver District...
Our history in the mining industry began in 1960 when Imperial Metals & Power Ltd. was incorporated in British Columbia. Over the past five decades, the Company has undergone a number of transitions to become the Company we are today. 
Jaguar Mining Inc. is a gold producer in Brazil with operations in a prolific greenstone belt in the state of Minas Gerais. Jaguar owns or controls mineral resources in a land base of approximately 210,000 hectares in Brazil, including the Gurupi Project in the northern state of Maranhão. This vast resource base represents significant...
KGHM International Ltd. operates mines in Canada, the USA and Chile and is currently constructing the Sierra Gorda copper-molybdenum project in Chile. We are advancing the Ajax project in British Columbia as well as the Victoria project, our newest discovery in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of KGHM Polska Miedź...
The original Kerr-Sulphurets project was comprised of two contiguous claim blocks in the Iskut-Stikine region in British Columbia, approximately 20 kilometres southeast of the Eskay Creek Mine.
Labrador Iron Mines is engaged in the mining of iron ore and in the exploration and development of direct shipping iron ore projects (the "Schefferville Projects") in the central part of the prolific Labrador Trough region, one of the major iron ore producing regions in the world.
The sylvite (potash) deposits of Saskatchewan formed over 350 million years ago as a result of the final stage of evaporative concentration of sea water in a middle Devonian sea.
LaRonde is Agnico Eagle’s flagship mine, and it is located in the Abitibi region of northwestern Quebec. LaRonde has one of the largest gold reserves of any operating mine in Canada and has produced almost 4.3 million ounces of gold since it opened in 1988.
Legacy is a greenfield project for the setting up of a potash production on the basis of solution mining in the south of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. With Legacy K+S will be the only potash producer with large and own production facilities on two continents. 
Our Line Creek operation is located approximately 25 kilometres north of Sparwood in southeastern British Columbia. Line Creek supplies steelmaking and thermal coal to a variety of international and domestic customers.